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Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability

Article written by: Willem Britz

Enter SAFIC a cleaning chemical and equipment supplier since 1981.  SAFIC was the 1st company in South Africa to be accredited with the following three industry standards namely ISO9001 (Quality), ISO14001 (Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety) compliance.

SAFIC has been consistently evaluating itself within the criteria set for these compliances.


The SAFIC 4 C’s and E’s of Environmental responsibility and Sustainability:

1.     Conservation. Which takes us to the 4 E’s:

  • Energy: The use of as clean energy as possible, using energy sparingly.

  • Efficiency:  Creating technologies that facilitate less waste creation and using less products.  All SAFIC product are highly dilutable, which results in less amount of chemicals used to achieve greater results.

  • Economy: Using less amount of product which is highly effective and dilutes highly, ensuring big savings on cost for the user.

  • Environment: Ensuring as little change to the environment through industrial processes.

SAFIC has always been dedicated to providing solutions that meet the highest quality and performance in terms of our Chemical range. Our accreditations reflect our dedication to a green future.

Here are a few examples of chemical solutions that meet these criteria and are the best in their respective ranges:

A.     SAF POWER (Industrial environment Mining, workshops etc.) Water based degreaser featuring a quick split emulsion, that separates 30 seconds after forming an emulsion with oils being washed away, thus ensuring no blockage in oil separating systems.

  • Primary Bio degradable. Minimum of 90% bio degradation in 28 days.

  • Contain no harsh fumes or odours

  • Does not deteriorate rubber seals

  • Is non corrosive

  • Does not chemically build up in water effluent

  • Highly dilutable up to 1:300

  • Excellent cleaner to wash workshop overalls

  • Removes oil from filling station forecourts and cement surfaces

  • Does not fade painted surfaces



  • Used in food processing and food preparation areas

  • Disinfects and removes fatty deposits efficiently and fast

  • Completely Non-Toxic and Food Safe

C.    Low-VOC and Non-Toxic Solutions: SAFIC offers a variety of low volatile organic compounds (VOC) and non-toxic solutions. These products are designed to improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions. Our low-VOC products are ideal for use in enclosed spaces, providing effective cleaning without compromising the health and safety of users and occupants. Examples, SAF GERM, SAF LEMON GRASS, SAF G-DISINFECTANT etc.


D.     Water and Energy Efficiency:  Many of our products like SAF RINSELESS STRIPPER, SAF LF CARPET CLEANER, Bio SAF GREEN, SAF FATZYME are formulated to work effectively with minimal water usage and at lower temperatures, contributing to water conservation and energy efficiency. This approach not only supports environmental sustainability but also offers cost savings to our customers.


E.     Recyclable and Sustainable Packaging: We prioritize the use of recyclable materials in our packaging and encourage our customers to participate in recycling programs. Additionally, we are exploring options for incorporating recycled content into our packaging materials, further reducing our environmental footprint.


F.     Innovation Solution for a Greener Future: Super Green – We offer top-notch green products that fails to have a bad impact to the environment, even if they tried. These products are safer to the environment than the word itself.

  • SAF CARE RED is our latest product innovation, designed to offer powerful cleaning while adhering to strict environmental standards. This versatile cleaner is suitable for a wide range of surfaces and applications, making it an ideal choice for both commercial and residential use.

  • SAF EA STERIFECT is our versatile steriliser that can be used pretty much everywhere from livestock, direct food contact (meat and fruits), hard surfaces.

  • BIOSAF GREEN, as the name suggests, is a product based on biological microorganism for enhanced cleaning at a significantly low environmental impact.  Some say it is the environment’s best nurse, some say it is the new man’s best friend. Either way it cares for all.


2.     Community: This simply means, listening to feedback from end users. SAFIC has a technical department and feedback system either concerns or questions can be raised and is timeously reported back to end users/clients.


3.     Culture: Training and educating clients in the use optimal use of products and HACCP safety principles.  Principles creating a culture of saving and effectiveness. This is a free service when products are purchased


4.     Commerce. It must make business sense to the client both by way of saving cost, effectiveness of product, which all SAFIC products have proved to be.  It must have a direct impact on increasing profitability and attracting more customers for our clients.

Adding to this:

No writing on Environmental Responsibility would be complete, without the mention of one of our most valuable resources…. WATER!!!!

SAFIC further to this, have engaged in a joint venture with IonExchangeSafic - Water Treatment technologies since 2012.

The services offered is:

  • Water purification and treatment

  • Waste water treatment

  • Water recycling plants

  • Clarification

  • Filtration

  • Disinfection and

  • Treatment using membranes and ion exchange technology.

Soil remediation. SAFIC has and inexpensive 3 step process the encapsulate hydrocarbon contamination in soil, completely remediating hydrocarbon pollution and restoring soil quality.

In conclusion, SAFIC strives to create a peaceful, prosperous enjoyable environment experientially, for every person and all of nature on planet earth. Committed to a dynamic free future for all generations to come!

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